How was your last vacation? I know it wasn’t long enough. But other than that, was it a vacation you will remember for the rest of your life? As I look back over the fifty plus vacations I have taken during my life, the ones that stand out are the ones that could have the […]
Author: admin
Web Designer Basics: 3 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid
Several years ago, if you wanted a web site, you would probably have paid a professional to design one for you because it would have been too complicated or costly to do yourself. But now with widely available free or low cost user-friendly design tools, do it yourself has never been easier. Unfortunately, creating your […]
A Cancer Survivor’s Tale
Juju supply makes my life better, and those of so many others. The fact that I can do this very often for people that I care about does make my life incredibly more useful and make me feel very good about myself. I love this feeling. And I love that this website, and this store, […]
Fashion style 101
The recently concluded second State of the Nation Address or SONA of President Rodrigo Duterte made news all over the country. Different opinions and insights were heard, some in favor of the administration while some were not. But if there’s one thing that would probably get a unanimous vote from both sides, it’s the […]
America vs Canada: Amazon Prime review
How much is amazon prime canada? Well, that’s a good question, generally it’s about $79 annually. So, for $79 you’re getting really fast delivery on online shopping orders, and the shipping is actually free. Now I know that’s a bit of an illusion, but as you are paying $79 a year so you can’t really […]